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The 26th Quality of Life Improvement Camp at Deep Springs College ended successfully


      With the school motto of "Chongda, Loving-kindness, erudite and profound" as the class call, "The Deep Spring Family" as the class song, "filial piety, loyalty, decency and shame" as the principle they uphold, they always integrate the school's educational philosophy and extensive and profound traditional Chinese culture into the class and classroom。

      School leaders attach great importance to the students in the training camp. They personally come into the classroom to share their experiences and understanding of traditional culture with the students.They spend every class with these children。

      The inculcation of the teachers is always infected with this group of children, and the children also use their own practical actions to prove that we have abandoned the bad self in the past, and become a new self, and "we" can do better than before。

The 26th Quality of Life Improvement Camp at Deep Springs College ended successfully

       The night before the end of the training camp, school leaders and teachers and students gathered together to conduct education in the form of a theme song, during which everyone sang songs such as "One Family" and "Father" together, which was edutainment and fun, and also achieved the purpose of education。

       On November 4, 2018, the last class of the training camp was taught by the president of our school, Bei Guangyong. The most impressive thing is that he compared people's life to a wooden bucket full of blessings. Whenever people do a bad thing, the blessings in the wooden bucket will be subtracted, and if they do more, the blessings will be gone。On the contrary, good people, doing good deeds will increase the corresponding blessings, he advocated students to do more good deeds, be an excellent deep spring students。

The 26th Quality of Life Improvement Camp at Deep Springs College ended successfully

     "Report by all members of the 26th Life Quality Improvement Training Camp of Shandong Shenquan College of Shanghai Jiaotong University Education Group!"'Here!"Our class name is..."With the neat and loud voice of 30 students, the 26th Quality of Life Improvement Camp closing ceremony kicked off。

The 26th Quality of Life Improvement Camp at Deep Springs College ended successfully

The 26th Quality of Life Improvement Camp at Deep Springs College ended successfully

       Under the chairmanship of head teacher Zhao Xingquan, the camp closing ceremony began smoothly. The students performed the teacher salute, sign language dance, recalled the time of the week, and the student representative spoke about the feelings during the quality of life improvement camp。At the same time, Director Zhao Xingquan also commended the students who performed well during this period。

The 26th Quality of Life Improvement Camp at Deep Springs College ended successfully

The 26th Quality of Life Improvement Camp at Deep Springs College ended successfully

       Finally, the vice president of our school Cheng Zhen gave a speech. He summed up the significance of launching the training camp to improve the quality of life for the students. Through this training camp, the students knew how to behave and work, and what path to choose in the future。

The 26th Quality of Life Improvement Camp at Deep Springs College ended successfully

       The 26th session of the Quality of Life Improvement Camp ended with applause。Thank all the teachers for their hard work, and thank all the students for their hard work!Finally, teachers, leaders and students took a group photo。

The 26th Quality of Life Improvement Camp at Deep Springs College ended successfully

