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Childlike innocence to the army, a total of 81 - kindergarten Army Day


[Tribute to the most lovely people, the August 1st Army Day special]

On August 1, we celebrate a festival full of respect and glory - the August 1 Army Day。Century Only Kindergarten has carefully prepared a series of activities, aiming to let the children have a deeper understanding and emotional connection with the soldiers, the country, and the identity of "I am a Chinese baby" in their hearts。

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Flag-raising ceremony: Passing on the torch of spirit

At the beginning of the morning, we are honored to invite to the soldiers of the world training camp of military instructors uncle, they led the children to carry out a solemn flag-raising ceremony with tall and straight posture。After the ceremony, the instructor uncle not only carefully corrected the children's standing posture, but also told the story behind the five-star red flag。

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"The teacher said, the red flag is the People's Liberation Army uncle dyed red with blood.。The child's words reveal pure admiration;

"Every second of the national anthem carries meaning, and 56 seconds represent our great 56 nations。The words of the instructor's uncle let the children's respect and love for the national flag arise spontaneously。

"No matter where we are, where the five-star red flag flies is our most solid backing.。”

At this moment, children will have a more concrete understanding of "patriotism"。

Little soldier experience: courage and perseverance

Subsequently, the instructor uncle led the children to embark on a journey of transformation of the "little soldier"。Although the queue training was difficult, the children worked hard to straighten their backs, showing tenacity and perseverance beyond their age。They know that every time they stand in the military posture, it is a tribute to the military style, but also an exercise for their own will。

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In the multi-function hall, the big brothers and sisters of the class are excited to follow the instructor uncle to learn to fold "tofu block" quilt。This is not only a skill to learn, but also a profound experience of the rigorous style of military。

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Home co-education: Red culture lights up the childlike innocence

As early as mid-July, we launched the "Children are soldiers" red-themed parent-child creative works collection activity。Parents and children joined hands to create powerful military equipment models, solemn Tiananmen and other works, each of which embodies the infinite respect and love for soldiers。These works are displayed in the kindergarten and become a beautiful landscape, allowing the red culture to take root and sprout in the hearts of children。

Gratitude and Tribute: Honoring heroes

Each class also carried out a variety of curriculum activities around the theme of the August 1st Army Day, so that the children could feel the greatness and dedication of the soldiers in the laughter。We hope that through these activities, the children can grow up to be brave, strong and responsible future pillars, and contribute their own strength to the prosperity of the motherland。

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Here, we sincerely invite all parents and children to join us in translating this respect for soldiers into practical actions, studying hard and building a strong body。On this special day, let us extend our highest respect and best wishes to all servicemen and women: may they be safe, healthy and happy!

Childlike innocence to the army, the future can be expected!
